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CPR/AED Protocols


1. Tilt the person’s head back slightly to open the airway.

2. Look, listen, and feel for breathing for no more than 10 seconds.

3. If the person is not breathing normally, begin CPR.



If the person is NOT breathing: Start CPR immediately.


If the person IS breathing: Place them in the recovery position to keep their airway open and prevent choking.

1. Kneel beside them.

2. Place their arm closest to you at a right angle to their body.

3. Bring their other arm across their chest and place the back of their hand against their cheek.

4. Bend their far knee, grab it, and roll them towards you, keeping their hand pressed against their cheek.

5. Adjust the upper leg so that both the hip and knee are at right angles.


ADMINISTER CPR if the person is NOT breathing

1. Place the heel of one hand on the center of the chest, and the other hand on top.

2. Press down hard and fast, at a rate of 100 to 120 compressions per minute, allowing the chest to fully rise between compressions.

3. If trained and able, provide rescue breaths after 30 compressions:

4. Pinch the person’s nose shut.

5. Give two breaths, each lasting about one second, watching for the chest to rise.

6. Continue cycles of 30 compressions and 2 breaths until help arrives or the person starts breathing.



1. If an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is available, turn it on and follow the voice prompts.

2. Attach the pads to the person’s chest as indicated.

3. Ensure no one is touching the person while the AED analyzes the heart rhythm.

4. Deliver a shock if advised by the AED, then continue CPR until emergency services take over.



1. If the person regains consciousness but is drowsy or confused, keep them comfortable and reassured until help arrives.

2. Continue to monitor their breathing and condition.

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